The Rossi Files – The Devil Inside

Lola just went to see the Devil Inside and as part  of her review she shared insights on a new site called the Rossi files. The site is featured in The Devil Inside and shares more stories on the story of maria Rossi. Lola describes as the following;

The most disappointing quality to the film was its ending. Just when things were getting really interesting, it literally abruptly ends and reads, “The case remains unsolved. For more information, go to” It was like having a book that’s missing the last chapter.

Of course I was curious about the website and I went to it. It made me even more let down. If you haven’t seen the film, the website won’t ruin it for you, but it may have too much information than you’re willing to see. 

I have compiled some of the video off of the site for you which is footage from Centrino Hospital in Maria Rossi’s room. The feeling I am getting from Lola is that the movie is trying to push all of us to the website to find out how things end or at least get more details. From the vibe on our Facebook page so far it seems folks appreciate this gimmicky ending as much as the movie. The critic this morning on the news was hilarious, he couldnt even be bothered to rate the film.

I got a bit off topic but here are the videos for the Rossi Files.

Also on the page is an article about her called ‘The Rossi Paper’. Does anyone buy into this true story? I was boggled by how many buy into the Apollo 18 True Story so one never knows this might be something folks buy into as well. If you want to go see the entire site, head here and of course be sure to read Lola’s review of The Devil Inside

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