What’s the Secret to a Viral Creepypasta Story?
With the Slender Man feature film hitting theatres this August 10th, Sara McGuire of Venngage.com hit us up with an intriguing piece on Creepypasta’s, simply asking; What’s the secret recipe for a viral creepypasta? And well, after some research, ten stories out of the 72 that Sara studied found that they contained a number of ingredients.
In total, there are seven common ingredients with the most successful containing just four. The ingredients are as follows;
- A first person narrative
- Murder
- Cliffhanger endings
- Monsters or supernatural beings
- Unexplained phenomenons
- Creepy images
- Creepy videos
And the four most popular ingredients?
- Unexplained phenomenons
- A first person narrative
- Monsters or supernatural beings
- Cliffhanger endings
So, just what are the most popular Creepypasta stories? Here’s a top ten that Sara compiled minus Slender Man and Jeff the Killer;
- The Russian Sleep Experiment (64,030 total shares)
- Squidward’s Suicide (37,298 total shares)
- The Rake (13,223 total shares)
- Psychosis (7,428 total shares)
- Abandoned by Disney (7,149 total shares)
- Smile Dog (7,120 total shares)
- Candle Cove (4,588 total shares)
- NoEnd House (2,939 total shares)
- Bedtime (2,657 total shares)
- Persuaded (454 total shares)
The reason Jeff the Killer and Slender Man weren’t included is due to both first appeared as images first, they contain seven of the ingredients at some point and the legend behind them has been built by a number of varying factors.
It’s an interesting piece which you can read more HERE. Do you like Creepypasta’s and what are some of your favorite stories? I’ll have to go with The Russian Sleep Experiment, it was something that truly resonated with me to the fact that it’s something that could have happened if it hasn’t already?
Sara put a lot of effort into this and we would like to thank her for sharing this with us. So, have you got a creepy story to tell?